Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Internet Business Model / Scam: Zip Car

I repeatedly hear that the Internet based business model is the way to go. My general view is that in the hands of a corporate mentality that really doesn't want to deal with people other than to collect their money with as little effort as possible, the Internet based model is just a scam to dupe people.
Zip Car is such an example in my book.
I sent this email to them today -

Hello -
I have been trying to deal with the Zip Car web site to be added to a business account as my boss would like. Web site won't let me do it.
As I try to navigate through web site and finding a live person to help me, I am struck by the thought that I am dealing with an arrogant business plan that masquerades as hip and cool. Didn't fool me. Convenient? Hardly. Having my time wasted by a corporate entity is a joke on me.

All I can say is that I am glad my job is not dependent on my being on the account.

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