Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fossil Fuel Addicts Annonymous - Divestment From Fossil Fuels

    I am not sure which step this corresponds to in the 12 Step process for addiction withdrawal, but it is a big step even if the United Church of Christ still uses cars and heats with coal or oil. It is a 12 Step process.

United Church of Christ officers encourage fossil fuel divestment

Written by Barb Powell
June 27, 2013

In anticipation of a larger church-wide discussion on climate change, officers of the United Church of Christ today (June 27) released an open letter advocating that the UCC’s resources not be invested in fossil fuel companies.
The letter –– addressed to delegates arriving in Long Beach, Calif., for the denomination’s 29th General Synod –– was distributed to church leaders ahead of a resolution coming before the Synod urging divestment from fossil fuel companies.
“We believe that God is calling the United Church of Christ to become the leading religious voice on climate change and environmental racism and, as officers of the church, this public leadership requires us to state our conviction that our church’s resources not be invested in fossil fuel companies,” the letter stated.
But the letter also acknowledged that divestment is but one strategy among many for applying economic leverage, and that worldwide dialogue must ensue, particularly with the global south, where the impact of climate change is greatest.
The UCC’s officers also committed to facilitating church-wide conversations on the environment, engaging with global partners on various environmental issues, encouraging positive investments in renewable energy, and resourcing the church on issues of environmental racism. They called for aggressive shareholder action, including “green fund” investment options across the life of the church.
The resolution to be addressed by delegates to the UCC’s General Synod, meeting June 29-July 2 at the Long Beach Convention Center, is sponsored by the UCC’s Massachusetts, Southwest, New York, and Central Atlantic Conferences. The General Synod is the main deliberative body of the United Church of Christ.
Here is the entire text of the open letter sent by the UCC’s officers to delegates to the denomination’s 29th General Synod:
“Grace to you, and peace, from our Savior Jesus Christ!
“We are keenly aware of the conversations occurring throughout our church regarding how best to move forward boldly and responsibly on the critical issues of climate change and environmental justice which are before you. As your officers, we want to be responsive to the needs of the whole church including those who faithfully advocate for decisive action to save the earth from a disastrous future and those whose investments might be affected by a call for divestment from fossil fuel companies.
“We believe that God is calling the United Church of Christ to become the leading religious voice on climate change and environmental racism and, as officers of the church, this public leadership requires us to state our conviction that our church’s resources not be invested in fossil fuel companies. We state this position not as those who claim to possess all wisdom, but in humble recognition of the complexity of the issues before us. Humility demands that we recognize, among other things:
“*  The fiduciary responsibility to invest workers’ pensions in a prudent manner, as well as the assets of churches and faith-based organizations.
“*  Divestment is only one strategy for applying economic leverage. Positive investment and corporate engagement are also viable strategies.
“*  The global south is most impacted by climate change, and we have not had dialogue with our global partners on fossil fuel divestment.
“Recognition of complexity does not negate the calling of the Stillspeaking God to decisive action. Scripture says that creation itself longs to be set free from decay (Romans 8:21); we must respond to that longing in light of current realities. Accordingly, we call for a multi-pronged approach to the environmental crisis upon us:
“1.  Building upon the momentum of Mission 4/1 Earth, we commit to facilitating church-wide conversations on the environment and faithful, decisive actions to protect it.
“2.  We commit to engagement with our global partners on a variety of environmental issues, including climate change.
“3.  We call for shared decision-making across the life of the church on positive investments in renewable energies and the removal of investments from fossil fuel companies.
“4.  We will resource the church on issues of environmental racism and lead the way in advocacy.
“5.  We call for aggressive shareholder action to ensure that corporations operate in environmentally responsible ways.
“6.  We call for “green fund” investment options so that each of us, across the life of the church, can be called to thoughtful and informed decision-making about how our personal and institutional resources are invested.
“Roy Tillerson, the CEO of ExxonMobil, said recently in Cleveland, “Climate change is a serious and complex problem that society may not be able to fix and will just have to deal with.” As officers of the United Church of Christ, we respond by saying that climate change is a serious and complex problem that God calls the church and all humanity to address boldly and faithfully.
“We fully trust that God’s Vision will prevail as we work together as the UNITED Church of Christ toward a just and sustainable world as made manifest in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Rev. Geoffrey A. Black, General Minister and President
Mr. W. Mark Clark, Associate General Minister
The Rev. J. Bennett Guess, Executive Minister, Local Church Ministries
The Rev. M. Linda Jaramillo, Executive Minister, Justice and Witness Ministries
The Rev. James Moos, Executive Minister, Wider Church Ministries




Why We Divested

by Jim Antal [2] 07-19-2013
To many, our resolution to divest from fossil fuels was a scandal. So much so that months before the national Synod of the United Church of Christ (UCC) would consider it a well-funded, all-out campaign to defeat the resolution was underway. It didn’t have to be that way.

As soon as I read Bill McKibben’s Rolling Stone article on the terrifying math of global warming [7] it was clear to me that the church needed to provide leadership. Bill and I had been arrested twice at the White House protesting the Keystone XL pipeline, and the three days we spent in jail further clarified for me that in response to the reality of climate change, God is calling the church to a new vocation.

Over Thanksgiving I drafted a resolution calling upon the UCC to divest from fossil fuel companies. In late December 2012, the Board of the Mass. Conference UCC, representing 370 UCC churches, voted to bring the resolution to the national UCC Synod. Rooted in an understanding of love of neighbor — one that regards future generations as no less our neighbors than those seated next to us in church — it also drew from language available from 350.org [8].  That vote was the first by any religious body in America to divest from fossil fuel companies.

I immediately wrote to the CEOs of the two major investment agencies for the UCC: the Pension Board and the United Church Funds (UCF). As a pacifist, I wanted to do all I could to find a way to forge an unlikely collaboration among the three of us. The UCC’s United Church Funds engaged me in conversation. The Pension Board conducted a comprehensive campaign to defeat the resolution. 

Initially, I was surprised that divestment was controversial. While corporate engagement and socially responsible investing were totally acceptable, to many, divestment was a third rail. Over time, I began to realize that many in the church had lost sight of a crucial role we too often discount or ignore. We actually do have the power to bend the arc of justice. 

Between January and June 2013, ten of the 37 other Conferences of the UCC voted to endorse or co-sponsor the resolution. This kind of support was unprecedented. 

Meanwhile, the leaders of United Church Funds and I spent hundreds of hours drafting some possible amendments to the resolution that would make it actionable and would even allow UCF to support it. Thus, the resolution, as revised, would require a hearing at every Synod at which our investment institutions will have to defend any on-going holdings as “best in class.”

Many of the delegates were shocked to learn that United Church Funds and I had worked out some proposed revisions. And most of them rejoiced, realizing that this was not just a moral declaration — it was a commitment to actions and a process that had teeth. 

These hearings will, I believe, result in such an outcry that within five years, the UCC will have fully divested. That result will come thanks to everyone – our investment leaders as well as the rank and file delegates — learning more and more about the current science of climate change.

Once the Synod voted to approve [9] the resolution, it received ample coverage [10] by worldwide media and I began hearing from partners in the struggle to defend God’s creation.

Bill McKibben tweeted, “Just got news that the United Church of Christ has voted to divest from fossil fuels. This is incredibly important news!” He also wrote in an email to the AP that the UCC vote “may be the most important moment yet in the divestment campaign.” 

Not only that, a Nobel Prize laureate and the head of a major Protestant denomination sent their congratulations. And Archbishop Desmond Tutu also sent his congratulations, adding, “We hope others will follow your splendid example.”

All of us hope this resolution will become a model for all faith communities who care about God’s creation and recognize the urgent scientific mandate to keep at least 80 percent of the known oil, gas and coal reserves in the ground.

I know we share this conviction. Now it’s time to amplify our conviction with our money. As other denominations vote to divest — joining President Obama in his call to divest [11] — our hope for a sustainable future will begin to take shape.

One final thought. On Ash Wednesday 2013, civil rights legend Julian Bond and I found ourselves crammed into a prisoner transportation vehicle. We had just been arrested for protesting the Keystone XL pipeline at the White House. With our hands cuffed behind our backs, we made the most of our time. We shared stories of the civil rights movement and climate activism.

I asked him what single ingredient was most essential for the success of the civil rights movement.

He responded: “Persistence.”

I pray that we all have the necessary persistence and courage to respond to God’s call to witness on behalf of Creation.

The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal is Minister and President of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ, and former Executive Secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.  He provides national leadership as a climate activist for the United Church of Christ.


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